Below are links to some interesting physics/math/science things from around the internet. I don’t always agree with the perspectives advanced on the blogs (and they certainly don’t all agree with each other), but they make for interesting reading.
Blogs (roughly thematically organized; not all currently updating):
- Gravity and Levity
- Physics for My Mom
- The Unbroken Thread
- Sean Carroll
- 4 gravitons
- Of Particular Significance
- Resonaances
- Not Even Wrong
- Backreaction
- More Quantum
- The Quantum Pontiff
- Chris Ferrie
- Matt Leifer
- Nanoscale Views
- Condensed Concepts
- This Condensed Life
- The Curious Wavefunction
- Philip Ball
- Michael Nielsen
- Shtetl-Optimized
- Windows on Theory
- Combinatorics and More
- Computational Complexity
- Mathbabe
Other miscellaneous things: